Upgrade of Oracle RAC 12c to Oracle RAC 18c

Hey There,

In today’s post, I am going to share with you all the process for upgrade of Oracle RAC 12c to Oracle RAC 18c. I have tried to make this post as detailed as possible and you will find a step by step explanation of the process with the relevant screenshots. Hope you all find this useful. Would appreciate your comments and feedback on this. Cheers!


Before we delve into the details, a brief intro on the environment. The current environment was Oracle RAC 12c SE2 which was upgraded to 18c RAC. Platform was Oracle Linux 7.5 X86 64 bit with HP Servers and HP MSA storage. Flex ASM and Flex cluster were used.

Details of a minor bug encountered during the upgrade are provided at the end of the post ( screenshot )

Cool. Let’s get into the details now:

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